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1"""Create mock external events to be in coincidence 

2 with MDC superevents.""" 


4import random 

5import re 

6from pathlib import Path 


8import numpy as np 

9from astropy.time import Time 

10from lxml import etree 


12from .. import app 

13from ..tests import data 

14from ..util import read_json 

15from . import external_triggers, igwn_alert, raven 



18def create_upload_external_event(gpstime, pipeline, ext_search): 

19 """Create a random external event VOEvent or Kafka alert packet. 


21 Parameters 

22 ---------- 

23 gpstime : float 

24 Event's GPS time 

25 pipeline : str 

26 External trigger pipeline name 

27 ext_search : str 

28 Search field for external event 


30 Returns 

31 ------- 

32 event : str or dict 

33 Alert packet in format as if it was sent from GCN or Kafka, in a 

34 XML GCN notice alert packet in string format for the GRB or SubGRB 

35 search or a dictionary Kafka packet if for SubGRBTargeted search. 

36 """ 

37 new_date = str(Time(gpstime, format='gps', scale='utc').isot) + 'Z' 

38 new_TrigID = str(int(gpstime)) 

39 ra = random.uniform(0, 360) 

40 thetas = np.arange(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, .01) 

41 dec = random.choices(np.rad2deg(thetas), 

42 weights=np.cos(thetas) / sum(np.cos(thetas)))[0] 

43 error = .05 if pipeline == 'Swift' else random.uniform(1, 30) 


45 if pipeline in {'Fermi', 'Swift', 'INTEGRAL'}: 

46 is_grb = True 

47 else: 

48 is_grb = False 


50 # If SubGRBTargeted modify alert packet from Kafka 

51 if ext_search == 'SubGRBTargeted': 

52 if pipeline == 'Fermi': 

53 # Template based on: 

54 # 

55 # fermi/gbm 

56 alert = read_json(data, 'kafka_alert_fermi.json') 

57 # Remove sky map file to create our own sky map 

58 alert.pop('healpix_file') 

59 alert['dec_uncertainty'] = [error] 

60 elif pipeline == 'Swift': 

61 # Template based on: 

62 # 

63 # swift/bat/guano 

64 alert = read_json(data, 'kafka_alert_swift.json') 

65 alert['ra_uncertainty'] = [error] 

66 else: 

67 raise ValueError( 

68 'Only use Fermi or Swift for SubGRBTargeted search') 


70 alert['trigger_time'] = new_date 

71 alert['alert_datetime'] = new_date 

72 alert['id'] = [new_TrigID] 

73 alert['ra'] = ra 

74 alert['dec'] = dec 

75 # Generate FAR from max threshold and trials factors 

76 alert['far'] = \ 

77 (app.conf['raven_targeted_far_thresholds']['GRB'][pipeline] * 

78 random.uniform(0, 1)) 


80 external_triggers.handle_targeted_kafka_alert(alert) 


82 # Return VOEvent for testing until GraceDB natively ingests kafka 

83 # alerts 

84 return external_triggers._kafka_to_voevent(alert)[0] 


86 # Otherwise modify respective VOEvent template 

87 else: 

88 fname = str(Path(__file__).parent / 

89 '../tests/data/{0}{1}_{2}gcn.xml'.format( 

90 pipeline.lower(), 

91 '_subthresh' if ext_search == 'SubGRB' else '', 

92 'grb_' if is_grb else '')) 


94 root = etree.parse(fname) 

95 # Change ivorn to indicate if this is an MDC event or O3 replay event 

96 root.xpath('.')[0].attrib['ivorn'] = \ 

97 'ivo://lvk.internal/{0}#{1}{2}_event_{3}'.format( 

98 pipeline if pipeline != 'Swift' else 'SWIFT', 

99 '_subthresh' if ext_search == 'SubGRB' else '', 

100 'MDC-test' if ext_search == 'MDC' else 'O3-replay', 

101 new_date).encode() 


103 # Change times to chosen time 

104 root.find("./Who/Date").text = str(new_date).encode() 

105 root.find(("./WhereWhen/ObsDataLocation/" 

106 "ObservationLocation/AstroCoords/Time/TimeInstant/" 

107 "ISOTime")).text = str(new_date).encode() 

108 if ext_search == 'SubGRB': 

109 root.find("./What/Param[@name='Trans_Num']").attrib['value'] = \ 

110 str(new_TrigID).encode() 

111 else: 

112 root.find("./What/Param[@name='TrigID']").attrib['value'] = \ 

113 str(new_TrigID).encode() 


115 if is_grb: 

116 # Give random sky position 

117 root.find(("./WhereWhen/ObsDataLocation/" 

118 "ObservationLocation/AstroCoords/Position2D/Value2/" 

119 "C1")).text = str(ra).encode() 

120 root.find(("./WhereWhen/ObsDataLocation/" 

121 "ObservationLocation/AstroCoords/Position2D/Value2/" 

122 "C2")).text = str(dec).encode() 

123 if pipeline != 'Swift': 

124 root.find( 

125 ("./WhereWhen/ObsDataLocation/" 

126 "ObservationLocation/AstroCoords/Position2D/" 

127 "Error2Radius")).text = str(error).encode() 


129 event = etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8", 

130 pretty_print=True) 


132 # Upload as from GCN 

133 if is_grb: 

134 external_triggers.handle_grb_gcn(event) 

135 else: 

136 external_triggers.handle_snews_gcn(event) 


138 return event 



141def _offset_time(gpstime, group, pipeline, ext_search, se_search): 

142 """Offsets the given GPS time by applying a random number within a time 

143 window, determine by the search being done. 


145 Parameters 

146 ---------- 

147 gpstime : float 

148 Event's GPS time 

149 group : str 

150 Burst or CBC 

151 pipeline : str 

152 Pipeline field for external event 

153 ext_search : str 

154 Search field for external event 

155 se_search : list 

156 Search field for superevent 


158 Returns 

159 ------- 

160 gsptime_adjusted : float 

161 Event's original gps time plus a random number within the determined 

162 search window 


164 """ 

165 tl, th = raven._time_window('S1', group, [pipeline], 

166 [ext_search], [se_search]) 

167 return gpstime + random.uniform(tl, th) 



170def _is_joint_mdc(graceid, se_search): 

171 """Determine whether to upload an external events using user-defined 

172 frequency of MDC or AllSky superevents. 


174 Looks at the ending letters of a superevent (e.g. 'ac' from 'MS190124ac'), 

175 converts to a number, and checks if divisible by a number given in the 

176 configuration file. 


178 For example, if the configuration number 

179 :obj:`~gwcelery.conf.joint_mdc_freq` is 10, 

180 this means joint events with superevents ending with 'j', 't', 'ad', etc. 


182 Parameters 

183 ---------- 

184 graceid : str 

185 GraceDB ID of superevent 

186 se_search : str 

187 Search field for preferred event in superevent 


189 Returns 

190 ------- 

191 is_joint_mdc : bool 

192 Returns True if the GraceDB ID matches pre-determined frequency rates 


194 """ 

195 end_string = re.split(r'\d+', graceid)[-1].lower() 

196 val = 0 

197 for i in range(len(end_string)): 

198 val += (ord(end_string[i]) - 96) * 26 ** (len(end_string) - i - 1) 

199 return val % int(app.conf['joint_mdc_freq']) == 0 if se_search == 'MDC' \ 

200 else val % int(app.conf['joint_O3_replay_freq']) == 0 




204 'superevent', 

205 shared=False) 

206def upload_external_event(alert, ext_search=None): 

207 """Upload a random GRB event(s) for a certain fraction of MDC 

208 or O3-replay superevents. 


210 Notes 

211 ----- 

212 Every n superevents, upload a GRB candidate within the 

213 standard CBC-GRB or Burst-GRB search window, where the frequency n is 

214 determined by the configuration variable 

215 :obj:`~gwcelery.conf.joint_mdc_freq` or 

216 :obj:`~gwcelery.conf.joint_O3_replay_freq`. 


218 For O3 replay testing with RAVEN pipeline, only runs on gracedb-playground. 


220 Parameters 

221 ---------- 

222 alert : dict 

223 IGWN alert packet 

224 ext_search : str 

225 Search field for external event 


227 Returns 

228 ------- 

229 events, pipelines : tuple 

230 Returns tuple of the list of external events created and the list of 

231 pipelines chosen for each event 


233 """ 

234 if alert['alert_type'] != 'new': 

235 return 

236 se_search = alert['object']['preferred_event_data']['search'] 

237 group = alert['object']['preferred_event_data']['group'] 

238 is_gracedb_playground = app.conf['gracedb_host'] \ 

239 == '' 

240 joint_mdc_alert = se_search == 'MDC' and _is_joint_mdc(alert['uid'], 'MDC') 

241 joint_o3replay_alert = se_search in {'AllSky', 'BBH'} and \ 

242 _is_joint_mdc(alert['uid'], 'AllSky') and is_gracedb_playground and \ 

243 group in {'CBC', 'Burst'} 

244 if not (joint_mdc_alert or joint_o3replay_alert): 

245 return 


247 # Potentially upload 1, 2, or 3 GRB events 

248 num = 1 + np.random.choice(np.arange(3), p=[.6, .3, .1]) 


250 if joint_mdc_alert: 

251 # If joint MDC alert, make external event MDC 

252 if ext_search is None: 

253 ext_search = 'MDC' 

254 elif ext_search == 'MDC': 

255 pass 

256 else: 

257 raise ValueError('External search must be "MDC" if MDC superevent') 

258 # If O3 replay, choose search from acceptable list 

259 elif ext_search is None: 

260 # Determine search for external event and then pipelines 

261 ext_search = \ 

262 (np.random.choice(['GRB', 'SubGRB', 'SubGRBTargeted'], 

263 p=[.6, .1, .3]) 

264 if joint_o3replay_alert else 'GRB') 

265 # Choose pipeline(s) based on search 

266 if ext_search in {'GRB', 'MDC'}: 

267 pipelines = np.random.choice(['Fermi', 'Swift', 'INTEGRAL'], 

268 p=[.6, .3, .1,], 

269 size=num, replace=False) 

270 elif ext_search == 'SubGRB': 

271 pipelines = np.full(num, 'Fermi') 

272 elif ext_search == 'SubGRBTargeted': 

273 # Only two current pipelines in targeted search so map 3 => 2 

274 num = min(num, 2) 

275 pipelines = np.random.choice(['Fermi', 'Swift'], 

276 p=[.5, .5], size=num, replace=False) 

277 events = [] 

278 for pipeline in pipelines: 

279 gpstime = float(alert['object']['t_0']) 

280 new_time = _offset_time(gpstime, group, pipeline, 

281 ext_search, se_search) 


283 # Choose external grb pipeline to simulate 

284 ext_event = create_upload_external_event( 

285 new_time, pipeline, ext_search) 


287 events.append(ext_event) 


289 return events, pipelines 




293 shared=False) 

294def upload_snews_event(): 

295 """Create and upload a SNEWS-like MDC external event. 


297 Returns 

298 ------- 

299 ext_event : str 

300 XML GCN notice alert packet in string format 

301 """ 

302 current_time = Time(, format='gps').value 

303 ext_event = create_upload_external_event(current_time, 'SNEWS', 'MDC') 

304 return ext_event